We will proceed to analyze the Coconut Boom gameplay elements in each of the first nine levels, and then we'll make a global balance of their appealing assets and their drawbacks.
The first level is simple, to learn quickly the basic game logic and physics. You can easily aim your shoot towards the two idle (and sad?) triceratops that stand on the ground platform. You got no special powerups yet to use (at least when you are starting), but you need to learn the physics about throwing the coconut and the timing to make it explode at the right place.
As gameplay elements we have:

1 - The hard breathing, coconut throwing caveman.
The caveman is not only the main character that respond to our input clicks, but he is also a key element in the satisfaction that we get from the game. His victory dance at the end of a level and his excitement when he hits a shot are cool moments.
The shooting arrow is a key element for hitting our hot lava throws, too. The “ghost” arrow that show us the way of our previous shot is really helpful.
2 - The lava coconut.
The coconut is our basic weapon. We have to learn to use it wisely because we have a limited amount of them, so, if we don’t get a quick approach to the aiming method and the timing for the explosion, we may not succeed.
3 - The triceratops we have to blast.
The triceratops don’t have any defensive or dodging skill. They are easy targets for our lava coconuts, just like sitting ducks.
4 - The ground platform.
Where our lava coconuts bounce.
5 - The background.
Background doesn’t interact with the elements of the game, just some mysterious eyes appear and disappear.
6 - The heads-up display.
The basic information we need to know is displayed on it (the extra weapons, some options, the money that we have, etc.).
The HUD also has a button that allows us to get to the shop in the middle of the action. That’s a very cool feature, because if we have some money to spend, the right extra weapon at the right time, can really be the difference between succeeding and failing the level. You can access the shop between one level and the other.
This level is a little harder than the first one. The platforms are more complex, and we have some new elements:

7 - The egg on the nest.
If we hit it, we get two more lava coconuts to help us accomplish the mission.
8 - The walking ankylosaurus.
Even if he’s not very smart and he’s confined to a restricted area, the ankylosaurus is a moving target, so, sometimes (not too often) he can walk away and evade our attacking coconuts. He’s harder to kill than the rest of the dinosaurs because his hard back armor protects him of the first explosion (we need at least two shots).
9 - The roaring T-Rex.
T-Rex doesn’t move, but with his roar he can push away the lava coconuts, and make more difficult to get to him.
In this level, the detonator weapon can really help us if we use it well (and if we have any left). If we don’t have that weapon, we’ll have to use at least two coconuts to kill the T-Rex: one to move the rock to cap the front hole, and the second should fall between the T-Rex and the rock, to blast the animal (with olympic shooting medalist-like accuracy).
With a well timed detonator, you can blast the animal in just one shot, but you must also be accurate.

At this point we should be able to buy some weapons, with the money we earned. So we have new elements:
10 - The detonator.
Who allows us to detonate the coconut at any time with a mouse click.
11 - The cluster.
Who splits in four smaller coconuts to affect a greater area.
12 - The trajectory trace.
This tool can dramatically improve our accuracy.
13 - The rolling rock.
It can interact with the other objects and push dinosaurs, open paths or cap holes.
In this level we need to break the first rock, and push the second over the triceratops. We don’t kill them directly with our coconuts. The rolling rock is bigger, and the elements are combined differently, but the only new element is:
14 - The round breaking rock.
The coconuts can break this element who blocks our path to reach the triceratops.

There are many new elements in this level:

15 - The Pterodactyl.
He’s pretty hard to hit, because he flies (in a restricted area) and he’s a little quicker than the ankylosaurus.
16 - The square breaking rocks.
They act as platforms where the dinosaurs can hide, o use them as shelter (for some time).
17 - The logs.
They act also as platforms, but lava coconuts doesn’t destroy them. That’s funny, because at the beginning of the game, we see an explaining storyboard where the caveman burns a tree with a lava coconut.
Maybe these new ones are petrified sequoia logs.
After some time in this level, the pterodactyl flies away from the egg, to the corner of the screen and never comes back. That makes impossible to hit him (except if you have a detonator).
The background changes in this level, and the upper ankylosaurus is hard to hit, because he can push the coconuts to the ground level. There are any new elements.

You must not waste any shot in this level. You got to be pretty accurate to blast objects and kill dinosaurs to get to the next level. There are any new elements.

Here again, precision is the key. There are any new elements.

There’s a new element in this level:
18 - The waterfall.
We must block the waterfall with the rolling big rock, in order to get to the dinosaurs.

Coconut Boom is a pretty fun physics-based casual game, with a gentle and intelligent learning curve that won’t scare beginners and it’s also not boring for veteran and experienced gamers.
The in-game shop icon is a nice feature, not always present in casual games, and very useful for making a turnaround in a level when you have already missed some shots and you’re running out of coconuts (and lava).
The three extra weapons are smart and well chosen, but with some more, the game would add more depth.
Somewhere, the HUD should add the number of the level we are playing in (that’s not always easy to remember).
Around level 7, maybe some quicker coconut dodging dinosaur might appear, just to make this not only a physics game, and add some points to the action. Maybe a bonus round of quick dinosaur blasting action in a short amount of time.
It would be nice to bend the shooting arrow, maybe clicking and dragging the mouse, to change the arc of the throw and hit difficult shots.
The gameplay elements presented in the game are fun and well implemented, but some additions could make it deeper and keep the player interested a longer time.
I had three ideas for the extra gameplay element in level 9, I think all three might be pretty interesting, so I will present them:
1 - The ice block
The ice block exists as an extra weapon in the shop. We can buy it and use it to freeze water (in the waterfall or anywhere else) and then destroy the ice with our standard weapon. The coconut blows up, so the ice doesn’t melt.

2 - The drill
The drill can dig the ground platforms and reach hidden dinosaurs. We must be accurate, because it perforates everything, even it kills dinosaurs (except the ankylosaurus, who just loses his armor).
It’s a dangerous weapon, so, it’s pretty expensive on the shop.

3 - The flying saucer
You can’t buy the flying saucer in the shop, but, if you’re struggling on a level and you have not many coconuts left, you have 50% chance than the saucer will fly across the sky. If you hit it with a coconut, it will release a nuclear bomb that will blast everything in sight, if you miss it, you’ll probably fail the level.